Grow Exponentially

Unlock profitability, attract more people and increase market presence with a results based, AI focused digital marketing agency.

Maximise Presence

Moving the message

Harness AI to enhance your brand's visibility, amplifying reach and influence in the dynamic digital landscape.

Engage More People

Moving the people

Leverage AI to understand and engage audiences more deeply, fostering meaningful relationships and bolstering customer loyalty.

Boost Your Profits

Capitalize on AI's efficiency and precision to streamline operations, unlock dormant revenue, and significantly boost your bottom line.

Moving the needle

You’re In Good Company

We’ve Solved Million Dollar Problems For Brands Both Big and Small

Our Process

Advendo's integrated marketing strategy harnesses the power of the C.A.R.E. model—Creative, Ads, Revenue, and Emails—to drive client business growth through interconnected feedback loops. Here's a breakdown of how each component plays a critical role: edge in their respective markets.


At the heart of Advendo's approach is a relentless focus on creativity. We constantly innovate in content and strategic messaging, ensuring that all creative outputs resonate deeply with the brand's identity and audience preferences. This continuous cycle of creative renewal keeps campaigns fresh and engaging, influencing the effectiveness of ads and email strategies through insightful feedback.


Our advertising efforts are meticulously crafted to grab attention and drive immediate engagement. By leveraging precise, data-driven targeting, we ensure that each ad reaches the most receptive audience, maximizing impact and efficiency. The performance data from these ads provide critical insights that feed back into both creative development and email marketing adjustments, optimizing the overall strategy.


Driving revenue growth is the ultimate aim of our integrated strategy. Every element of the C.A.R.E. model is designed to not only engage and convert but also to lead customers through a revenue-maximizing path. By analyzing the outcomes from revenue performance, we can refine our approaches across creative content, targeted advertising, and personalized email campaigns, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the marketing efforts.


Email automation is a pivotal element of our strategy, tailored to foster greater personalization and relevance based on user behavior and engagement. Insights derived from email interactions are crucial; they help in fine-tuning creative concepts and optimizing ad strategies, thereby enhancing the feedback loop that drives continuous improvement in all marketing facets.

This integrated system ensures that advancements in one area amplify benefits throughout the others, creating a cohesive and dynamic marketing strategy that not only meets but exceeds business objectives. Through the strategic application of the C.A.R.E. model, Advendo propels clients toward sustained growth and a competitive edge in their respective markets.

Ignite Your Business Growth

Intrigued by the power of AI? Discover how our unique model can turbocharge your business. Register your interest for a free 30 Minute Zoom Call one-on-one with Justin.

Justin Theng

  • Discover the transformative power of AI and harness it to propel your business to new heights. With our help, let's redefine marketing as a profit centre, not a cost centre.

    Elevate Your Business With Our Unique Approach

    Justin’s experience as a creative director, AI tech leader and entrepreneur gives him the advantage to understand your unique needs and goals. From concept to completion, we deliver the revenue-shifting results you're looking for. Our dynamic approach fuses creativity with strategy, ensuring we address your brand's essence while tapping into the emotions of your audience.

    Our Track Record Speaks Volumes

    We're proud to have nurtured strong partnerships with a multitude of businesses, from big names to promising start-ups. We're committed to building more than just campaigns; we're in the business of building businesses. Many of our clients have transformed their outlook on marketing, now viewing it as an investment rather than a cost.

    Our Free Workshop Consultation: All You Need to Know

    Our in-depth consultation will cover three key areas:

    1) Assessment of Aspirations: We'll discuss your vision and goals, forming a clear idea of what success looks like for you.

    2) Assessment of Assets: We'll examine your existing resources and how they can be leveraged for maximum impact.

    3) Assessment of Actions: We'll outline the strategic steps needed to take your business to the next level.

    4) Profit Assessment: We’ll analyse your current profit situation and explore opportunities for growth.

    5) People Assessment: We’ll review your team dynamics, helping you understand how to optimize for efficiency and productivity.

    6) Presence in Market Assessment: We’ll gauge your current market presence and how it can be amplified for greater visibility and influence.

    Are We Right for You?

    If you're a business that views marketing as a profit centre rather than a cost centre, is ready to invest adequate resources into your marketing, and seeks to partner with a like-minded business, you're in the right place. We don't just offer solutions; we offer partnerships for growth.

    Our Journey into the AI Era

    Over the years, we've navigated the exciting and turbulent waters of advertising, embracing the seismic shifts in trends and strategies. We've seen how AI has revolutionized the industry, supercharging efficiency, and unleashing unprecedented levels of creativity. We’ve used it to drive revenue and generate profit, turning the kaleidoscopic world of creativity into a sharp tool for business growth.

    We've learnt that in the AI era, it's not the book-smart that will prevail, but the street-smart. Adaptability, nimbleness, and the ability to stay ahead of the curve are now more important than ever.

    The question is no longer about what AI can do for us. The question is: Are you ready to harness its potential for your business? If the answer is yes, then we're here to help you navigate this exhilarating journey.

    Take The AI Readiness Quiz

    The next billion-dollar idea might just be a conversation away. Take the AI Readiness Quiz to see how far you’ve come in your journey with AI. Then book a consultation for our free workshop and let's explore the AI-powered future of your business together. Welcome to the revolution.

Client Testimonials

Success Story

AI Powered Digital Marketing Services

  • Creative

    Augment your assets and team with award-winning creative direction

  • Ads

    Strategy, funnel + execution of AI driven campaigns.

  • Revenue

    Live data analytics dashboards, strategy session & coaching

  • Emails

    Automated predictive email flows for conversion & retention.

Instant AI Insights: Data in Your Pocket

Get unparalleled transparency with our real-time dashboards. Directly access performance metrics from your AI and automation systems, making data-driven decisions with our user-friendly interface. Boost your growth and success by gaining control over your business like never before.

Real-Time Access

View by Timeframes

Informed Decision-Making

Complete Transparency

Unleash AI's transformative power with our model, revolutionizing businesses and reshaping the future of work.

#1 HubSpot Agency

Learn About How We’re Helping Businesses Grow Better Globally

Frequently Asked Questions

  • AI has a profound impact on businesses. It augments our capabilities, automates our tasks, and amplifies our reach. It has revolutionized industries such as advertising, where it has reshaped traditional practices, moving us from a 'broad net' approach to creating meaningful, targeted interactions with potential customers.

  • AI, especially in search engines like Google, has moved from keyword to intent-based optimisation. This shift has transformed the way we process and search for information, making it more efficient and effective.

  • AI automation can greatly benefit your business by removing repetitive tasks and replacing them with automated processes. This can save time and unlock potential in areas previously unexplored. For example, an automated email reminder system can improve customer retention and potentially double your revenue.

  • AI is reshaping the advertising industry by enabling more personalized and relevant marketing. It has led to the development of AI-based platforms like Meta's AI broad targeting and Google Ads' Performance Max that predict purchase moments and triggers. This algorithm-driven approach reshapes ad delivery, shifting from mere messaging to anticipating customer needs.

  • AI has brought about a radical shift in retargeting strategies. Instead of sending reminders of left-behind items, AI uses instinctive retargeting, comparing the shopper's behaviour with millions of others to predict their true intent. This enhances the customer experience by making it more personalized and responsive.

  • AI can streamline your business operations and improve efficiency. For instance, automating email marketing can significantly boost revenues by improving customer retention. Moreover, AI can predict and serve customer needs before they arise, opening up new avenues for engagement and growth.

  • AI can be used in combination with augmentation, automation, and amplification to offer unique benefits and unprecedented opportunities to grow businesses. For example, when amplification and automation are used together, they can enhance customer engagement and grow a brand's customer base. Similarly, augmentation and automation can improve a brand's presence, and when augmentation and amplification intersect, they can drive profit through scalability.

  • You can leverage the intersections of AI-powered marketing strategies by understanding the unique benefits of each combination. Amplification and automation can enhance customer engagement, augmentation and automation can boost your brand's presence, and augmentation and amplification can increase profits. Using these strategies in conjunction can elevate your business to new heights of customer engagement and growth.

Register Your Interest for a Free 30 Min Workshop