Craft Tomorrow’s Successes. Together.

Transform Your Skunk Works Projects Into Revenue Streams.

In Bali's heart, P+PMD pioneers skunk works projects, collaborating with enterprises and SMEs to craft innovative products. We venture into uncharted territories, creating value and sharing the revenue or sale proceeds.

Maximize Your Product Potential with P+PMD. We navigate product development complexities, offering a sandbox where ideas morph into profitable ventures..

P+PMD empowers businesses to create powerful, AI-driven marketing strategies that resonate with customers.

Our vision is to see satisfied and successful businesses solving real-world problems with entrepreneurial thinking and innovative marketing.

Businesses across every industry have partnered with us, implementing our AI-augmented strategies to become more visible, valuable, and engaging in their respective markets.

Led by Justin Theng, a marketing veteran with a decorated history of success, P+PMD takes marketing into the future.

Proud Partners with Bali Children Foundation – Supporting Education and Opportunity